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Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:24 pm
by cidiera
Hi. You can call me Cid or Cidiera. It's not my real name. It's the name I use in Boards.

I don't know if I'm on the spectrum. I have taken online Asperger's screening tests and scored pretty overwhelmingly as being possibly on the spectrum...before the Asperger's diagnosis was redefined. I've never pursued a diagnosis, though. My son seems to have either ADHD or Autism. We are pursuing a diagnosis for him and have an upcoming appointment.

I do have difficulties making friends and being in large groups or loud places without becoming overwhelmed by all the noises and sounds. I can't even focus on conversations or I'll freeze mid-conversation and forget what I was saying because the environment feels like an attack. That's mainly what drove me to take the screening tests. I may or may not make an appointment for myself about it.

My son has very focused interests and talks incessantly about them. He seems to relate to the world in terms of Star Wars. He also has a tendency to physically react when overwhelmed...such as jumping and spinning and running and jumping off of things. He also has a hard time putting into words what is on his mind. I'm not sure if that is just him being a kid, but I guess we'll find out.

Anyway, I'm here to check out the board and learn more about it. Thanks for making this!

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:35 pm
by Thomas
Hi. Welcome.

Hoping things start to pick here soon now that we have some members.